We typically finish each edition of Worth Considering with our “takeaways” which are simple summaries of the most important themes we’d like you to keep in mind. This particular edition, however, is really just one big “takeaway” in and of itself.
At this time of year there really is just one key thing to keep in mind, and that is the awareness of how much we each have to celebrate.
We’d like to wish you and your families all the best for this upcoming Holiday Season.
As we approach Thanksgiving itself, I’d like to share with you this quote from actor and investment commentator Ben Stein:
“I cannot tell you anything that, in a few minutes, will tell you how to be rich. But I can tell you how to feel rich – which is far better, let me tell you firsthand, than being rich. Be grateful.”
Indeed, there are countless things we take for granted every day that we instead should be appreciatively aware of and grateful for. Some of these are big things, while others are more subtle blessings.
We can be thankful for the sacrifices made by our predecessors so we can be here today.
We can be thankful for the sacrifices made by so many in the military so we can enjoy the various freedoms or our nation.
We can be thankful that we have been given so much in abundance that we and our neighbors are among the most generous people in the world when tragedies like the typhoon in the Philippines hit.
We can be thankful that, as radio commentator Earl Nightingale used to say, “We live in the golden age that people have dreamed of for thousands of years. We live better than kings of 200 years ago.”
We have better food, better medicine, heat, air conditioning and nearly unlimited travel opportunities. On average, we live decades longer now than just a century ago.
As long as we can enjoy the laughter of a small child, the warm hug of a loved one, and the satisfaction that comes from a life lived with purpose, we can feel grateful, and are indeed richer than many who live in the finest mansions on a hill.
God bless you and your families during this Season and please know that we are grateful for the opportunity to serve you.
Happy Holidays!
Jeff and Ken
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